Friday, October 16, 2009

Stand up

When someone questions our morals, I wonder whether we stand by and pretend that nothing happened, or if we, stand up and let people know exactly what we believe. Is our excuse that it's hard? Or maybe it's that we don't wan't to ruffle feathers. I think it's past the time to do nothing. We have to do SOMETHING. If we stand idoly by than nothing will ever get done.
Have we even set morals for ourselves? When people walk by, do they know, "hey hey thats that chick, she doesn't curse, and you better not curse around her,". Or is it more like, "Oh hey, there is that girl, that never stands up for herself, I bet we can get her to do some pretty stupid stuff,". When you walk down the hallway of your schools, do people know who you are? Or do they just think your a nobody. Are you a light or do you like to hide in the darkness.
Have you ever believed in something??? Haven't you ever just wanted to stand up and say "No. I believe in this, and no, I DON'T agree,". The real question is CAN you do that. Or are you content with sitting by and doing nothing. NOTHING. NOTHING is not GOOD. You have to stand up for something in your life. Don't let people tell you it's ok, and your just being OLD FASHIONED. YOUR NOT. That is called having MORALS. It's time each one of us define who we are. We can't be indecisive anymore. It's hurting us. One voice is heard. Because ONE voice can inspire a THOUSAND.
When I see my peers getting into things that they shouldn't, it hurts me. I wish i could help them, but it isn't my choice. Wouldn't it be so much easier to make those simple decisions before your faced with that dificult decision.
Maybe it's just me but how can we live knowing we didn't stand up for ANYTHING in our lives. I constantly am making ruffles, I think anyone that knows me, knows that I believe very strongly in many things. I may be confused a lot. I mean, I don't thing that anyone thinks more about their future than I do, and can I just say it's exaughsting(I am a terrible speller by the way)!! I never relax anymore! (Besides blogging, I love blogging!)
This is probably the most ramndom blog I have ever written, and reading it over, it really probably wont make sense to anyone but me. But I just have to say. When pressured about things, most of the time I know my response. I know what I will say. And MANN I hope you guys do too! BELIEVE IN SOMETHING. And please, do something with your life that will make a difference. People will never remember how much money you had, but they will remember what you did with that money. And even if your dirt poor, you CAN make a difference. Let NO ONE tell you, you can't do it. Because you CAN. Mann, am I ever learning that. And it might just be that I am too stuborn to learn, but, I want to do something inspiring with my life. I want to HELP people. I want people to know how wonderful they are, and I WANT them to know how special and different each one of them are. And if I make only a difference in 1 persons life, it'll truely be worth it. I know it will. Mann, the more people I meet the more I realize how wonderful each person really, really is. Each person remember, that somewhere, someone truely loves you. And Please make your life an oportunity and a chance for a better future.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome Rachel! Well said, I hope I can teach my daughter this as well as you know it.
